Monday, October 24, 2011

Usually I write a blog before my birthday. . .

But, things were a little too hectic this year. Fall has been a mean killing season here and I also had a client pass away for medical reasons, so it's been a busy fall, though it has definitely settled down in the last 3 weeks. Family-wise, I feel that we are finally settling into a pretty happy rhythm. M is more and more lovely as the days pass and she becomes more expressive and her personality manifests itself. Today, I was home sick with her, but she is the most tranquil, easygoing sick person I have ever met and just oozes love. Are all babies this way? Do they all love so easily and with such abandon and sincerity and lack of guile before the world hardens them? Do we all start out this way?
I have been pondering a lot lately whether we should have another baby or just stop with M. . . .on the one hand, she is perfection and we really could not do any better than her, so maybe we should stop while we're ahead. Given my post-partum issues, it could be a lot better for our family's stability, Peter's and my relationship, and my sanity. It would also mean relative financial ease in our lives. On the other hand, there is nothing like a new, new baby asleep on your chest, with their little mouth open in the shape of a tent. And, I wonder about whether M will be lonely in the world without a sib? But, what if she hates her sib? It could go either way. In any case, it is not an urgent question--we are definitely on the slow road, if we are even on the road at all. . .but, it is a question that I will be glad to have settled whenever the answer becomes manifest. It goes around and around in my head. . . .
In other news, my birthday was lame--stomach flu, presents that didn't work, a failure to look on the positive side of things on my part. . .but, I still think I'm going to have a good year. Inspired by my friend Indu, I am treating my birthday as my own personal new year. For that reason, I have exercised more in the last week than I probably have in the last three months. (I took my first zumba class ever. fun!!!) I hope it can stay that way. I am also trying to be influenced by Peter, who has taken up meditation lately (to good effect!), and have started to read up on happiness and spirituality. I have gone my whole life, thus far, with an extremely sensitive way of being in the world. The most obvious and inconvenient manifestation of this is that I cry, I think, a lot more than other people. When I was 8, the kids in my class used to call me "Sobbin' Robyn." (this was back when Garbage Pail Kids were popular) This sensitivity has been with me my whole life and I have always known that I get more easily upset by things that other people would probably let roll off their backs. Mostly, I have just embraced this as a personality trait with strengths and gifts to offer, as well as weaknesses--for example, I don't think I would have chosen my current career if I weren't more fundamentally bothered by stuff that happens in our world than other people. On the other hand, I have seen how my crying can be alarming to Ms. M and I think I need to work on being a bit more resilient. For this reason, I am working on that in the coming year, and/or better monitoring and controlling my stress levels. . . .so far, the self-help, spiritual, Oprah-esque reading I've been doing is better and far more thought-provoking than I expected. I will let you know how it goes.  Send any good news or ideas you might have. . .I hope you're having a great October!!!  xo, r:)
(Pictures, in random order: Feeding ducks; Sidewalk chalk; Sandbox with Mama; With Daddy and Uncle Robbie; Girl on the Go (at the Playground)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Procrastination, part 3

Why, when I'm at work on the weekend (away from my fam., with the precious minutes ticking by), is it impossible for me to accomplish any work before my checkbook is balanced, my facebook status is updated, and I've written this blog? It's ridiculous, but becoming a trend. I'm kinda bitter I'm here on 4th of July weekend, but then remind myself that I don't really like the 4th of July anyway. Correction--I like the fireworks, grilling, and a day off. I do not like jingoism.

Anyway, here I am. I am going to consider this blog post done so that I can do some real work now. . .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Vacations and Camping (and Mono???)

During the faux breather that I decided to give myself at work over the last month, Peter and Mira and I had some very nice adventures. We went to visit relatives and friends around the southeast; had a fun excursion to the zoo; finished up Mira's baby music class; celebrated Mother's Day in a way that was festive rather than disasterous; celebrated our neighbor's graduation from high school; and, successfully camped outside, in a tent, for one night! Overall, May was a very good month! So, why is it that at the end of it I have a sore throat that's been w/me for 10 days and spent the night puking just 36 hrs. ago??? A friend suggested to me today that maybe I have mono. . . eeeek!

After a quick and very scientific review of the relevant diagnostic literature (WebMD, MayoCliniconline, YouronlineHealth--I am nothing if not a scientist), I confirmed the diagnosis--swollen lymph nodes, check; sore throat persisting for many days, check; fatigue, CHECK!; headaches, check; nightsweats, check. . . . hmm. I don't seem to have the inflamed spleen thing, but that seemed minor. The problem, though, is that LAST month was for resting and THIS month is for working--the universe and my body did not seem to get these messages. I am hopeful that I am just being a hypochondriac and that the web diagnostic tools are just like "Where There is No Doctor" of my Peace Corps days (which had me once diagnosing myself with yellow fever, typhoid, and HIV), except on warp speed. Fingers crossed! I have briefs to write!

[images from top to bottom: Mira and her buddy Amelia bounce on the air mattress; Mira contemplates the beach; Mira enjoying the zoo; Mira and Sam share a snack; Easy Rider; Family after a dip in the Lake; Mira and Mama check out a fountain in Charlotte]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


As I write this, I should be writing something for work, but then again, it seems like I should always be writing something for work these days. I have never been busier as a lawyer than I have been since I came back from maternity leave. In some ways, it is exhilarating to be doing work that I find so compelling and to feel like I am really maturing as a lawyer. In other ways, I'm really sad that that is happening during Mira's babyhood. Peter and I are constantly engaged in "finding the right balance" and I have come to suspect that we may always be doing that particular two-step.

All of this is to say, though, that I do feel incredibly lucky to be here in GA, so close to my family, with a beautiful daughter, work that is meaningful and a husband who pitches in. This may sound sappy, but I mean it. Two things that being a lawyer has really taught me are: that it could always be so much worse; and, there but for the grace of God go I. Wow. This really isn't a lighthearted blog post at all! Sorry, readers. Guess I'm not feeling all that lighthearted, despite the glass of red wine I sat down with (or maybe because of. . .). Funny thing is, I didn't notice that I was feeling kinda morose until I started writing.

In happier news, today DEA agents marched in to GA's death row prison and seized the state's illegally obtained supply of lethal injection drugs. That was also a funny sentence to write! But, I was seriously excited by this news--that must have been quite a scene! The other news is that Peter is out tonight w/ a buddy having a dad's night out. I am so glad for him! I feel like the focus of the last year has been a lot on my mental health and sanity, but he also has mental health needs and feels the attendant stresses (along w/ the joys, of which there are plenty) of caring for a little being.

Pictures are: Mira knows what she'd like to order; girls in the snow; Mira is one!; Over-the-shoulder-Mira.