As I write this, I should be writing something for work, but then again, it seems like I should always be writing something for work these days. I have never been busier as a lawyer than I have been since I came back from maternity leave. In some ways, it is exhilarating to be doing work that I find so compelling and to feel like I am really maturing as a lawyer. In other ways, I'm really sad that that is happening during Mira's babyhood. Peter and I are constantly engaged in "finding the right balance" and I have come to suspect that we may always be doing that particular two-step.

All of this is to say, though, that I do feel incredibly lucky to be here in GA, so close to my family, with a beautiful daughter, work that is meaningful and a husband who pitches in. This may sound sappy, but I mean it. Two things that being a lawyer has really taught me are: that it could always be so much worse; and, there but for the grace of God go I. Wow. This really isn't a lighthearted blog post at all! Sorry, readers. Guess I'm not feeling all that lighthearted, despite the glass of red wine I sat down with (or maybe because of. . .). Funny thing is, I didn't notice that I was feeling kinda morose until I started writing.
In happier news, today DEA agents marched in to GA's death row prison and seized the state's illegally obtained supply of lethal injection drugs. That was also a funny sentence to write! But, I was seriously excited by this news--that must have been quite a scene! The other news is that Peter is out tonight w/ a buddy having a dad's night out. I am so glad for him! I feel like the focus of the last year has been a lot on my mental health and sanity, but he also has mental health needs and feels the attendant stresses (along w/ the joys, of which there are plenty) of caring for a little being.
Pictures are: Mira knows what she'd like to order; girls in the snow; Mira is one!; Over-the-shoulder-Mira.
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