Leaving Seattle was very hard. For almost four years, my husband and I had a wonderful life there, full of sincere, kind, and interesting friends. We really agonized over our decision to move elsewhere, but in the end, the value of living closer to family seemed worth the risk and we decided to make the jump while we were still young enough to have some flexibility. So, on February 1, I left my job as a public defender and on February 6, Peter also left his job and we spent the next 20 days furiously packing our apartment, saying goodbye, cancelling utilities, and studying for the GA bar! (When we had originally hatched the plan, we had thought we'd hire movers, which would have given us more time for study. ..unfortunately, we had to combine both activities after we found out how exorbitant professional movers are!)
All of this culminated with some farewell festivities on the 22nd of February and a flight out the next day. Once we hit Atlanta, though, we still had 48 more hours of study and 8 grueling hours of testing ahead of us. We don't know if we passed (and we won't know until the end of May!), but we are relieved that it is at least over for now!
Now, we're getting ready for the next phase of our plan. ..we decided that the transition and resulting unemployment would be a good time to travel together. Even though we've been together for five years, and international travel used to be a big part of our lives before law school, we have never travelled together. For the next three months, we will be exploring Guatemala, Mexico, Paris, Madagascar, and Tanzania--the idea was to show each other some of the places that were most formative to each of us and to have a big adventure together before we got a mortgage, new jobs, and all that that entails. . .
We're planning to update this blog frequently from the road with thoughts and pictures, so if you want to know where we are, please check here! We will also be checking our personal emails, so feel free to drop us a line with your news or write a comment here!