I'm getting off lucky--no puking for me, just really profound exhaustion (which I keep thinking is over, then it's not) and extreme moodiness, which I think is worse for Peter than it is for me. We've started getting some baby clothes at yard sales and stuff and are trying to clear the back room out, but otherwise haven't done too much preparation. I just got my first maternity wear items this past weekend and by the end of August expect to not be able to wear any of my current clothing.
In other news, we are trying our best to enjoy as much of our remaining lives as a young, childless couple as much as we can. Since May, we have been to see Coldplay and Beyonce and have traveled to Pittsburgh and New England. Pictures from those trips are attached. As for Pittsburgh, it was REALLY wonderful to see family and cousins who I hadn't seen in way too long and we want to give a shout out to Uncle Turk for being one of our best blog readers! Thanks, Turk! As for New England, we just got back last week. The original impetus for the trip was Peter's mom Betsy's wish to have her ashes scattered off of Martha's Vineyard. However, with 18 family members in attendance and the beautiful setting, it turned into much more of a vacation than I had anticipated. On the way home, we stopped and saw my good friend Indu, who really pampered us!
Another big change for us is that Matt and Woody moved into our downstairs apartment at the beginning of June and are officially Atlantans. As I write, they are preparing to move out to a more permanent, private space, and I will miss them (though they'll only be 3 miles away!) It has been so nice seeing so much of them this summer and I'm thrilled that they both have found jobs in this evil economy.
Work-wise, Peter and I keep trucking along. Not too much new on that front.
So, I will try to blog about life and pregnancy as it seems appropriate, without oversharing or being too ebullient. You may see an ultrasound picture here. I promise that I will not put any pictures of the umbilical cord or placenta up after the birth (I actually heard of someone recently who did this--eew!).
Anyway, hope all of your summers are wrapping up well! Call anytime and give us an update--if we haven't talked in the last month or so, chances are we miss you!
xoxox, r&p