So, I haven't written since I was about 5 months pregnant. While I maybe don't have a great excuse for not writing during months six and seven of pregnancy, by month eight exhaustion and holiday preparation had totally overtaken me and then Mira arrived 11 days early, so month nine barely existed (Hallelujah for that!).
Mira is now seven months old; I've been back at work for 4 weeks and Peter is back full time as well. Mira has gone to two weeks of daycare and may be working on her second illness in that time (though I really hope not!). We are surviving and learning how to be parents. For her part, Mira is a delightful person and very patient with our efforts. I marvel at someone who wakes up every single day so consistently happy and smiley and excited to go. Her little toothless grin, sparkly, wide, astonished baby eyes and constantly cycling legs, along with her wiggly excitement, are just a wonder. She can sit up now, eats a variety of foods (avocado is her favorite), makes a variety of sounds, communicates in many ingenious non-verbal ways, and loves any type of music. She has a musical laugh and the cutest-ever elf sneeze. We recently discovered that she loves to swing.
I have been inspired by a few friends to re-vamp this blog. Although it looks different, the name is the same because I've discovered that parenthood is chaos. And, as much as I have always been fascinated by chaos, it's a challenge for me. There will be lots of pictures of Mira (of course!) from now on and stories about our days together because she is such an integral part of all that I am right now. I am hoping, though, to also use this space as a virtual "Room of One's Own" a la Virginia Woolf. So there will probably be a lot more random musing and angsting about stuff in general than there was before. . . Thanks for continuing to read!
Mira is now seven months old; I've been back at work for 4 weeks and Peter is back full time as well. Mira has gone to two weeks of daycare and may be working on her second illness in that time (though I really hope not!). We are surviving and learning how to be parents. For her part, Mira is a delightful person and very patient with our efforts. I marvel at someone who wakes up every single day so consistently happy and smiley and excited to go. Her little toothless grin, sparkly, wide, astonished baby eyes and constantly cycling legs, along with her wiggly excitement, are just a wonder. She can sit up now, eats a variety of foods (avocado is her favorite), makes a variety of sounds, communicates in many ingenious non-verbal ways, and loves any type of music. She has a musical laugh and the cutest-ever elf sneeze. We recently discovered that she loves to swing.
I have been inspired by a few friends to re-vamp this blog. Although it looks different, the name is the same because I've discovered that parenthood is chaos. And, as much as I have always been fascinated by chaos, it's a challenge for me. There will be lots of pictures of Mira (of course!) from now on and stories about our days together because she is such an integral part of all that I am right now. I am hoping, though, to also use this space as a virtual "Room of One's Own" a la Virginia Woolf. So there will probably be a lot more random musing and angsting about stuff in general than there was before. . . Thanks for continuing to read!
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