Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Winding up the Details

Well, no pictures to post this time. Since we took the bar, Peter and I have been busily preparing for our trip and trying to lay the groundwork to really settle in Atlanta once we get back. This process has seen us touring homes, sending out job feelers, getting travelers' checks, buying sunscreen, re-packing, and finalizing hotel and plane reservations. . .so much to do! We really thought that after the bar, we would have more of a break, but it's been more hectic than we thought. It's been really nice, though, to be with my mom and dad and their dog Cokie during this time! Tonight, we are going out to meet a friend of a friend and start the process of making new friends in Atlanta. The rest of the week, we'll just be finishing stuff up and then on Friday, we fly to Guatemala! Peter and I have been talking and dreaming of this trip for almost three years. . .it's amazing that it's actually happening.

We will try to post here as often as we can to keep everyone apprised of our adventures. And, we'll look for your comments, as well, when we have internet access. When the connection is good, we will post pictures, so you can see what we're up to. Thanks so much for all of your support and well-wishes! We're so excited about our trip and will be very excited to visit and share pictures and stories once we're back!



Randal Burgess said...

So, are you attacking the Chaos of the World, brining the Chaos of the World, or ARE YOU the Chaos of the World?

Randal Burgess said...
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manjula martin said...

Bon voyage, you guys! Have a wonderful, wonderful trip... and say hi to the world for me.

Ashley, Bronson, Jackson, and Ellis Lee said...

Oh - we are so excited for the two of you! We would love for the funds to extend a stop over in DC!! Can't wait to read more about all the adventures that unfold for yall. Much love - Ashley, Bronson, and Jackson

Anonymous said...

I'll be right here with you the whole way. Can't wait to read all your stories!

Elizabeth said...

YEAHHH!!! I'm excited to be able to follow you along on your adventures. --Elizabeth

Julie said...

This is so exciting! You are amazing wonderful powerful people... bring back a little of the chaotic goodness from all over the world and spew it all over Georgia as your first step in making your mark in a place that really needs you!!!...Your Sista in the South...Julie