Here are some wishes for the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009:
From Robyn:
Attainable Goals
A decent public defense system in every state;
A sitcom that glorifies public defense as a profession with a young, sexy, hilarious cast;
A shift away from vindictiveness toward mercy and rehabilitation of damaged individuals
A recognition that our worst criminals are products of poverty and abusive, neglected childhoods, and that this is society's responsibility and that we are criminals for allowing this to happen;
Abolition of the death penalty;
Abolition of drug possession crimes;
For the country's jails to NOT be a substitute for decent mental health care;
Decent mental health and bodily health care for all;
Polar bear survival;
A nationwide prioritization of recycling and environmental stewardship;
A decent place to call home for everyone in the world;
Access to abundant good food and education for every human child;
A cure for malaria;
An end to diarrhea as a leading cause of death for kids under 5 in the developing world;
A 30-hour work week and an end to all unemployment;
A living minimum wage;
More public transportation;
Less SUVs;
More condoms and sex-ed in the schools;
Free marriage for all;
The demise of FOX news and the like because of a lack of interest in hate-mongering;
A better sense of humor and less puritanism for the US as a nation, generally
A return to dancing as a legitimate and widely-pursued social activity
The demise of Wal-Mart, also because of a lack of interest in the junk they sell.
Monsanto's bankruptcy due to a breakthrough Supreme Court decision that you can't patent plants because they are their own beings.
Unattainable Wishes:
For trees to pass on their wisdom to people;
An end to national borders and the current, totally unjustifiable rich/poor dichotomy between nations and peoples;
For Betsy to return;
For all of my loved ones, friends and family, to live in the same town;
To shrink our country so that any part is accessible through a 2-3 hour train ride;
For no one to die in a DUI accident this New Year.
From Peter:
Attainable Goals:
An end to ICE raids
A half way sane immigration bill
Some real progress for gay and lesbian human rights
Some real progress toward an economy that respects and values families and workers, women, children and men
more companies like Campbell's soup (see links below), and fewer groups like AFA
Unattainable Wishes:
the return of all sorts of cool extinct species
the return of my mother
the return of all the folks killed in war this last year
Whatever you may be wishing for the coming year, we hope that it is a good year for you and that you had a wonderful holiday season!!!!
xoxo, us:)